Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How to Impersonate Kip when he Gets a New Toy

How to impersonate my dog Kip (when he gets a new toy) in just 10 easy steps!

Step 1: Lunge at Hannah and the rest of the family as they enter the house, bags in hand.

Step 2: Run up to each of them and twirl, jump, and wag tail like they haven't been home for years.

Step 3: Watch Hannah curiously as she pulls something furry out of a bag.

Step 4: Leap up at the furry thing and grab onto it, trying to get it out of her hand.

Step 5: Once she lets go, hold the toy tightly in mouth, and whip head around. Drop toy, pounce on it, and then proceed to chew on it.

Step 6: Leave to go do something else (like sleeping).

Step 7: When the family is in a different room (preferably in the same day, or the day after the toy was received) go back to the toy and chew off all protruding parts (ears, tails, legs, eyes etc.).

Step 8: Watch as a family member sighs and picks up all the toy's stuffing to discard it. Soon all the unattached arms, legs, tails etc. will just be added to one of the two dog toy boxes.

Step 9: Be artistic and remove every single toy from the toy boxes and place them in a neat circle, sit in the middle of the circle, pose handsomely and take a couple pictures, as shown below:

Step 10: Deny accusations that family members set up the toys and took the pictures.

Hope you enjoyed it!


  1. Great! What the heck is/was that large white fluffy toy???

  2. The large white fluffy toy is Kip's favorite toy of all time: his pig. It is actually supposed to be light pink, but it is so old that it has faded to white. There is absolutely no stuffing left in it at all, only the "skin" is left. I hardly even remember what it looked like when we first bought it! :)

