Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Roscoe (VT BRAT) is ADOPTED!!!

Roscoe was adopted by a wonderful family in Upstate New York!  His foster mom and senji-friends at his foster home miss him very much, but they are so very happy for him!  He is a wonderful little guy and it sounds as if he has found an equally wonderful home!  He is adjusting very well.  He has a new human mom and dad and 2 new fur siblings.  He goes on daily nature walks and visits his new mom's art studio a couple times a week. Way to go Roscoe!!!
Roscoe and his new mom and "sister" Maple.


Roscoe and Maple running in the yard!

Roscoe enjoying a fall day!


  1. It looks and sounds like a wonderful placement. Lucky Roscoe! (Upstate NY is so beautiful this time of year - thanks for including the pic of Roscoe, Maple and their mom with the birch in the background!)

  2. Congratulations!! I'm a bit jealous, too; I remember reading about Roscoe and thinking how handsome he was and how wonderful his description :) Have a wonderful life in your new family, little guy!
