Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"Where's the Turkey?"

First, I want to announce which of Kip's costumes got the most votes. It was, surprisingly, the ninja! He wore it on Halloween, and looked super cute! (picture from original contest post below)

Now that we're done with that, I want to talk about Thanksgiving. I know it is still far away, but my next blog post will be in December, so I should talk about it now.
Well, let me start off by saying that my mother has always really been into cooking and baking for the holidays. Thanksgiving has had, for a long time, a perfectly cooked turkey and tons of delicious home-made sides and desserts. About three years ago, though, my parents and I became vegetarian, and we crossed a couple things off the Thanksgiving menu (including the iconic turkey). We, more recently, turned vegan, causing us to cross even more things off the menu. We've had Kip for almost four years now, so if you do the math, he has only gotten to experience one Thanksgiving with turkey before we stopped eating it. He must be very confused now, looking back at the one year he had turkey, and looking now at us chewing on our Tofurky (a vegan replacement for turkey, made out of tofu). He has to survive on only yummy home-made bread, cookies (he has a sweet tooth), and soup bones, among other things, this Thanksgiving. --rolls eyes-- Poor dog.
Anyways, I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving! And thanks for voting on Kipper's Halloween costume!

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