Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sleeping Beauties

I love great basenji photos. I marvel at how people seem to have their cameras with them at just the right moment to capture amazing photos of their basenjis. These basenjis are even touching each other or at least in the same frame, sitting on cue and posing for the camera. Or they are captured in perfect stride, in mid-chase with another basenji, leaping, frolicking, romping. All the beauty, grace, and speed that make up a basenji, distilled in one instant.

My photos are not like that. Happily, I’ve progressed beyond candid shots of the ceiling, but my downloaded photos are more likely to be image after image of a basenji facing away, walking away, or only partially in the photo.

My camera is always on the wrong floor and by the time I scramble off to get it, breathlessly careening up and down stairs and around corners in an attempt to catch this perfect pose, they’ve moved on to other things and can’t be bothered. Unless they’re in the mood to cooperate, I get shots entitled “where Ivan was a second ago.”

I am besotted enough with Ivan and Dasa to think nearly everything they do is unbelievably cute. Every little paw wave, head tilt, play bow is a masterpiece. Every elegant pose with paws crossed, a delight. Every little chin on a knee, or curl into a circle is enchanting. I seldom photograph these moments because I’m not quick enough, not sufficiently prepared to snatch them out of the air and bottle them.

Somehow, I think I will never quite capture Ivan and Dasa as I see them with my heart. I photograph their cuteness when I can, and about the only time they have in their schedules for photo sessions is during naptime.

Therefore, many, many of our Ivan and Dasa photos are of sleeping munchkins. Snoozing in little donut beds, napping on Dad (a favorite), catching up on beauty sleep in the people bed, dozing in sunny spots on the carpet, slumbering on the sofa —my sleeping beauties.


  1. I love the pictures you post of Ivan and Dasa.

  2. I take lots of photos of my girl, Avery, too! She's just so darn cute when she sleeps! (not that she isn't super cute when she's awake)

  3. I completely understand. My boys will be in the perfect position or doing the cutest thing but when I show up with the camera it seems their noses immediately need to be planted in the lens.
