Friday, June 4, 2010

Thank Heavens

In celebration of the first anniversary of Ivan’s surgery, this entry is dedicated our sweet puppy boy. We are so very blessed to have him with us after he had surgery to remove a section of twisted bowel on June 15, 2009.

In the last year, I've been a frequent visitor at Hawthorne Vet Hospital, either with Ivan or to pick up a new supply of his regimen of supplements and medications. They know me well, even without a munchkin to accompany me. We’ve learned to deal with three times a day feedings of special foods and supplements, and amaze ourselves at how well orchestrated this multi-step meal preparation has become. Even so, munchkin meal times at our house get a little wild as both Ivan and Dasa are extremely enthusiastic about eating.

We are delighted to report that despite a very limited repertoire of food and treats, Ivan has regained his energy and zest for life. He is happy and doesn’t mind that the allowable treat selection consists of either boiled or freeze-dried chicken, as long as there are treats to be had. He is just as snuggly, mischievous, loving, lively, and impossible as ever.
Thank heavens.

1 comment:

  1. Go Ivan! Keep Peggy busy, she really didn't have anything else to do but prepare your special meals :-)
