Monday, February 8, 2010

A Tale (Tail?) of Two Basenjis

When asked what a basenji is like, there are some common characteristics that are relatively easy use in an explanation. BUT as most basenji owners know, like snowflakes, no two basenjis are really alike. My two fur-kids provide me endless entertainment because they are so different. My red boy Kirby has been with me since he was 5 months old and he is now 4 ½ . My tri-girl Saana has been with me only a little over a year and she is 6 years old. I thought I knew everything there was about what basenjis were “like” since I had spent so much time with Kirby. But Saana gave me a little perspective. She is a rescue, and I have very little information about her life before coming to me via BRAT. So I figured I’d share my top 10 ‘Tale of the Tape’:

1. Kirby loves mommy best – Saana loves daddy best.
2. Kirby hates (hates, hates, hates) water – Saana jumps in the neighborhood pond after ducks without a moment hesitation.
3. Kirby is a meat and cheese kinda guy – Saana prefers to eat a salad with lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, green/red peppers, broccoli, olives, and croutons (with lite ranch dressing is her favorite!) A girl must watch her figure.
4. Kirby loves children of all ages – Saana thinks pre-teen boys all need a good snark (or a snap if they come close enough!).
5. Kirby enjoys going to agility class – Saana cannot figure out why in the world any dog would want to jump over something that you could just walk around.
6. Kirby wants to snuggle in your lap and lay all over you for hours – Saana prefers to be near you, but never on you at all.
7. Kirby has a tight curly tail and sharp pointy ears that never relax – Saana has a loose fluffy curled tail and ears that go back any time you show her attention.
8. Kirby will ‘give you his belly’ to rub even if he met you 3 minutes ago (attention hound!) – Saana will not roll on her back willingly for anyone (no touching the belly!)
9. Kirby loves to play with his stuffed animals and wouldn’t dream of destroying them – Saana, well, if it’s stuffed, it must be defuzzed, desqueaked, and any arms and legs must be removed IMMEDIATELY!
10. Kirby absolutely adores his sister Saana – Saana thinks Kirby is much better behaved now that she has had a year to train him how to behave around a lady.

So next time someone asks what basenjis are “like,” good luck answering that question!

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