Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Why I Foster Basenjis

Often they arrive underweight with dull coats and eyes that tell you, “I’m lost, scared and vulnerable.”

They might be puppies, sick, unwanted, homeless, displaced by a human or old and frail.

They may all be basenjis but they come in different colors, different shapes and different sizes!

What do they all have in common?
A very sad story.
The need for a compassionate human, to provide them protection, food, shelter, exercise, a path  toward learning to trust a human and a forever home.

Hi, I am a 40-something, married for 20years, have 14 and 11yr old boys. We all know that Basenjis need to be walked and it is tough to walk 3 at a time….this is where the hubby and kids come in handy. That 45min walk morning and night are wonderful times for our family. It ensures that we all have some one-on-one quality time with each other.  During the week, Hubby and I walk the B's early in the morning together and talk about the plans for the day, etc. It is an opportunity to get some exercise, communicate, plan, dream together, and start the day out right. On the weekend we walk on the beach together – 3 B's and 4 McCullys.

Kids need responsibilities – they feed the B’s, walk them, sleep with them and have learned to be responsible for something other than themselves. They have learned to care for our foster B's, and to let them go! The kids understand that we foster and don’t keep the foster B’s…because if we keep the foster B’s…we cannot foster anymore, and there are always foster homes needed.

Some true stories:

We have had a deaf foster boy. Our kids learned first hand about dealing with a disability during our time with this foster B.

We have had a Fanconi-positive foster boy who also had some incontinence issues that took a while to work out. Our kids learned about chronic illness and a medication regime.

In summary, Fostering and having 2 resident basenjis in our home is truly an asset to our family. They provide a connection between all of us. Reasons to communicate with each other, reasons to care for something less fortunate than ourselves. Fostering offers hands-on learning experiences for our sons that they will take through their lives.

It will cost very little in dollars and cents to Foster, and the potential gains are priceless. I encourage you to give it a try!

-Sonya McCully

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